After about one and a half months of Chromebooks in students' hands, I asked for their reactions to this new technology. I received mixed results. Some students loved the Chromebook. Here's what a few students said:
"I liked going on the websites without waiting for a computer to load. I liked it because instead of a thick stack of papers in my binder, there was a chromebook with the science packets."
"I liked that I didn't have to carry around a packet and that everything was in one place so I could never lose it. It also made it a lot easier to get onto ediscio and prezi when I needed to."
"One thing I liked about the chromebook, was that it was fast. I could type things faster than writing them, and the internet was fast."
"There were good and bad but more good, then bad. For example I write a lot more on the pages from the chromebook then what I would write in my actual physical packet."
"I like that it was fast, like when we needed something online I had it right here. I didn't have to go get a ipod, ipad, or a laptop."
Other students weren't as excited to use the Chromebooks. I learned from their feedback that I will need to make more of an effort this next year with teaching the basics of using the trackpad and keyboard shortcuts. Taking time at the beginning of this next year to learn keyboard tips and tricks will be a worthwhile investment of time to help students adjust to a slightly different technology than they are used to. After hearing the idea from a Lowell teacher, I made a simple adjustment in my room before the school year was over by offering some mice to plug in since some students couldn't get used to the trackpad. Other comments written included:
"It was kind of hard to type instead of writing. I think writing would have been much faster and you couldn't really draw anything."
"I didn't like having to find my spot after I got lost in the packet (even though I could scroll up) and it's easier for me to just write the things down."
"Sometimes it would be slow and mouse would react slowly."
"I didn't really like that I couldn't take the packet with me. If I just wanted to look at something quick at home, I would have to go on my computer and log in. With a paper packet, you don't need to do that."
After our short implementation this last spring, the benefits already outweigh the challenges. Students have quick personal access to our variety of online resources, stay organized with online Google docs packets that won't get lost, and have opportunities to easily access online creating tools to share student learning. I will keep their concerns in mind as I think towards our next school year, making adjustments to support students and their learning when feasible. I'm looking forward to teaching with Chromebooks again this fall!
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